Die-Cut Machine

Library Branch

Windsor Public Library

Perfect for: 

Flannel boards, flash cards and games, diagrams and models, window and door decorations, puzzles and magnets, 3-D geometrics, math manipulatives, bulletin boards and static visuals, and more.

User Guidelines: 

Users are welcome to unlimited use of the machine if they provide their own take-away materials (paper or other materials to cut).


  • 12″ cutting width for AccuCut dies up to Super Jumbo
  • Cut as many as eight layers at once depending upon the material
  • Cut multiple dies from either direction
  • Dies cut foam side up so you see what you are cutting and have less waste
  • Compatible with Ellison SureCut and ClearCrop dies that fit in tray
  • Compatible with Ellison AllStar and Sizzix dies with Tray Adapter
  • Over 100 dies available to use
On narrow displays, the weekly room calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view room availability for the whole week.

Sun - 5/4

Mon - 5/5

Tue - 5/6

Wed - 5/7

Thu - 5/8

Fri - 5/9

Sat - 5/10