Book Binding Machine

Library Branch

Windsor Public Library

Perfect for: 

Organizing financial documents, combining recipes,  self-publishing.

User Guidelines: 

The library has a supply of binding combs that are available for patrons to use.


  • It punches up to 15 sheets and binds up to 200 sheets
  • Adjust from 1-21 punching holes
  • Heavy duty metal construction
  • Advanced carbide cutting blades ensure accurate cutting power
  • Punched Hole Size: square: 3x8mm
  • Max Punch Binding Size: 12″
  • Side margin control for holding any size document well
  • Supplies on-hand include: plastic combs for up to 200 sheets capacity.
On narrow displays, the weekly room calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view room availability for the whole week.

Sun - 1/5

Mon - 1/6

Tue - 1/7

Wed - 1/8

Thu - 1/9

Fri - 1/10

Sat - 1/11