Through our partnership with Neighborhood Forest, you can receive a free tree to plant for your little ones! Follow the link below, find Windsor Public Library on the "institution" drop down menu, and fill out an order.
Play is an important part of child development. We'll be hosting a playgroup for children ages 0 to 5 and their caregivers most Mondays. Come meet other parents in the community and find friends for your little ones! Free.
The IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals. The VITA program has operated for over 50 years.
Limited Space
This program has a limited space capacity. Please be mindful of this when registering. If you have registered for a program and can no longer attend please call the Reference Desk at 860-285-1918 to cancel your spot or cancel through this system.
The return of our popular Math Games program is here. Join us for some fun math riddles, problem solving, interactive games, cards, dice and possible coding along with our special sports math games! This program is for ages 7+
Kidspace Programs
If you regularly register for programs and do not show up, we reserve the right to [without notice] cancel future reservations that you make.
Safety is our top concern. If the registered child or their parent/guardian is behaving in an unsafe manner or a manner that violates our library policy, they will be asked to leave.
If you are 10 minutes late or more to a program, we reserve the right to give your seat away to another person.
Please adhere to program age ranges unless otherwise specified. Please reach out to Kidspace if you would like to request an accommodation. Some programmers and performers are more lenient than others and we always encourage you to ask.
We ask that parents/guardians engage in the activities with their kiddos. Please don't have side conversations during presentations. Let's all learn and explore together!
The IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals. The VITA program has operated for over 50 years.
Limited Space
This program has a limited space capacity. Please be mindful of this when registering. If you have registered for a program and can no longer attend please call the Reference Desk at 860-285-1918 to cancel your spot or cancel through this system.
Join our Needlework Circle at the Windsor Public Library on the second Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. Beginning, intermediate, and advanced quilters, cross-stitchers, needlepointers, embroiderers, weavers and all other fiber artists are we
Limited Space
This program has a limited space capacity. Please be mindful of this when registering. If you have registered for a program and can no longer attend please call the Reference Desk at 860-285-1918 to cancel your spot or cancel through this system.
The IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals. The VITA program has operated for over 50 years.
Limited Space
This program has a limited space capacity. Please be mindful of this when registering. If you have registered for a program and can no longer attend please call the Reference Desk at 860-285-1918 to cancel your spot or cancel through this system.